Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thanks all its students for being part of our growth

ABADA - Capoeira Sydney Thanks all its students for being part of our growth. The difference in number and quality of Capoeira is visible, ABADA - Capoeira Sydney begun 5 years ago with very few students which wouldn't fill up a Roda, but along the years we have developed a very high level of Capoeiristas and are with no doubts within the top 3 Capoeira Rodas in Australia. It has been a great journey that meant a lot of hard work and we know it is much to come. All this work give us not only physical Strength but mental power to proceed.

The ones who saw ABADA-Capoeira Sydney, from its very beginning are witness of all achievement we have accomplished and the ones who just come along are more than welcome to become part of it.

We hope ABADA-Capoeira in Australia never stop growing and become not just another Capoeira Group but a team which support and understand each other for good and bad times.

See you guys i training

God bless u all
