We have just come back for the 1st Asia Pacific Capoeira Open in Gold Coast and I in name of ABADA Capoeira Australia would like to thank you all for the great and memorable time we have expended together.
It was a huge opportunity all of you to fully understand what Capoeira is about. We have seen and played on excellent Roda's, on which all of my students have represented very well the name of ABADA-Capoeira. I witnessed some amazing games that made me very proud of you all as your instructor.
We have also had the chance to meet Mestre Geni (a renowned Brazilian Capoeira Master, which has been a student of Mestre Bimba, the same Mestre that our Mestre Camisa has been student of and also a personal friend of our Mestre). He has complimented our work after watch our performance, saying that this is the way to go and that we have a grand future ahead. It coming from such a notorious Mestre should be taken as a big honour for all of us.
As well I would like to proudly announce that we have achieved a 1st place on the 1st Asia Pacific Capoeira Open:
1st place in the advanced female category
It is important to remind that this year Rosinha did not miss a single class, plus she has been doing extra training at the gym to improve her performance, so her dedication has been paid off and I am sure she is a role model to be followed.
To the others students, I would like to congratulate you all for giving it a chance and having experienced Capoeira on its essence, not only as a martial art, but as a whole cultural experience. Meeting different levels of students, instructors, professors, masters, singing, playing instruments, playing Capoeira and feeling the energy that it brings to everyone. I believe that none of you will look Capoeira with the same eyes you have seen before and I am sure it has been an inspiration. As I always say, the efforts you put into Capoeira it is nothing compared with the benefits Capoeira brings to you, as you all have witnessed and experienced, the energy it brings compensates it all.
Well, this year is just about to finish and we can relax a bit, but another year is coming up soon and hopefully we will have our 1st own Capoeira Grading and Workshops next year, when the spotlight will be all yours, so be prepared to show to all the Capoeiristas in Australia what you are capable of. You may don’t realise, but you are part of ABADA-Capoeira’s history, as the 1st ABADA-Capoeira Group in Australia (as you know ABADA-Capoeira is already in more then 30 countries in the whole world).
Bye for now, I hope you have enjoyed our time together.
See you Guys at classes.
Graduado Cipo
ABADA-Capoeira Australia
Official website: http://www.abadacapoeira.com.au/
ABADA-Capoeira e-mail: info@abadacapoeira.com.au